Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Babies and Prayers

We have so many things going on in the WOTP family these days and I need to take a moment to share them with you!

First of all, our accountant Melissa and her hubby Bryan welcomed a new baby girl into the world this week and she is beautiful!!

Ainsley Grace

Congratulations Bryan and Melissa, we are SO happy for you---can't wait to meet the new little addition!

Also, The Summers (one of our adoption families) brought home their son Tatian (18 months) from Ethiopia a few weeks ago!

What a doll!!!

Read about his homecoming HERE, it is very touching!

{by the way, this means that a spot opened up for the 1 family on our waiting list---I will introduce them to you tomorrow}

Please pray for these 2 families as they adjust to life as a family of 4 instead of 3!

Please also pray for the following urgent prayer requests---

1. My sister Sarah (WOTP volleyball director) is a special education teacher in a highschool (life skills) classroom. One of her students "D" has been deteriorating and is now in the hospital on oxygen. This could be the end, they are not exactly sure what all is going on. Please pray for all involved.

2. Please pray for my friend and former teammate Audra (father is Jim Sundberg, VP of the Texas Rangers baseball organization who wrote the foreword for my sports camp manual). Her son Asher is currently hospitalized and undergoing treatments.

Thanks in advance for lifting these special families up in prayer during exciting and devastating times.

The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save. Zephaniah 3:17

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