Tuesday, March 1, 2011

mom2mom {linky party} highlights

We had another great week at our mom2mom {linky party}!!!

If you missed out, go HERE to see MJ's fabulous way of using music to teach your kiddos scripture!

You can also check out Cat's fantastic idea for teaching spelling words!

We are not yet to the spelling words stage with my boys but we have already begun intentional faith-training.

One thing we really love to do is read (and watch) Bible stories from Little A's first Bible that I bought him at the MOPS convention a few years ago!

It comes with a dvd so each week we watch 1 or 2 stories and discuss them. Sometimes we also read them from the actual book to reinforce what we saw.

This same Bible (with dvd) is currently on sale HERE for $9.99!

We also love the Praise Baby dvds. They are basically the same concept as the Baby Einstein dvds but the music in them is all praise and worship music and the boys love it.

Another thing I plan to incorporate soon is scripture-memory to music which is exactly what MJ was talking about! I am going to start with a cd from Seeds Family Worship that I was given at the MOPS convention a few years ago.

These cds are cool because each pack comes with 2 cds---one to keep and one to share!

And finally, I like to incorporate "faith-talks" into our everyday lives. This simply means that I try to point out "God-sightings" in everything we do and in everything we see and in everything we encounter.

My boys are 2 and 4.

How old are your kiddos?

How have you begun to train them up in the faith (teach them about Jesus, help them learn scripture)?

Leave us some comments---we LOVE new ideas!

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