Friday, April 8, 2011

Fit Fridays {linky party}: Water

My quest for fitness is going well so far!!!

I weighed myself at the Y this morning and I am down 10 lbs, woohoo!!

Granted, I still have a ways to go but I am movin' in the right direction!

I have been sticking pretty closely to my workout routine plus the weather is finally warming up and the snow is gone so I am able to get out and ride my bike, walk the neighborhood, etc.

I am also doing well on my quest to change our eating habits---less fat, more fresh foods, etc.

Thanks to you and some of the lovely website/blogs you have directed me to, I am finding some new, healthy recipes that are easy enough for me to fix.

Oh and by the way, I found another great healthy recipe website that might be of interest to you:

Check it out!

And last--- I want to mention the importance of water. I have mentioned it on the blog before, but not on Fit Fridays!

Remember in all of your healthy living, you MUST drink AT LEAST 64 ounces of water each day...this is the minimum.

You need to build up to 124 ounces a day!

Yes I know, ALOT but there are alot of ways to help you do this:

1. Keep a bottle of water with you at all times and refill it as soon as it is empty.

2. Mix Crystal Light teas and other flavors in it if you have to.

3. Eat alot of soups, fruits and veggies which are high in water.

4. Drink alot of juices but make sure they are 100% juice, no sugar.

5. Cut back on other drinks especially sodas.

Of course we have a fabulous product in our shop that will help you get your daily intake of water...

Our WOTP waterbottles!!!

Which now come in a sleek, silver for men (or women who are not into pink)!

They hold 32 ounces of water, are easy to hold, have a pop up spout which is easier to drink from and enables you to drink more water, faster.

And even a freezer stick that you can take out, freeze and put back in when you take your bottle to go!

Go HERE to buy one---they make great gifts too!

As always, link-up or leave comments of things that "work for you" fitness-wise!

Happy Friday, friends!

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