Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Family

Meet our newest family!!!

We are a little family of four with a longing to be a family of five by way of adoption. It all started a year or two ago when we began to pray that God would open our eyes to what matters most to Him. We asked Him to break our hearts for what breaks His. Then this past summer the Lord began to open our eyes to the orphan crisis in our world. With over 147 million orphans waiting for homes, we just knew we could make a small difference by opening our hearts and home to one little girl.

Since making the decision to follow the Lord in this adventure, He has been so faithful! Our eyes are open, our hearts are open, and our growth has been enormous. Who knew that by one single action in faith, we would grow beyond measure! We have grown so much in just these past few months it is crazy! It has been such a blessing, such a lesson in faith, and such a wonderful journey and she isn't even home in our arms yet!

As you might know, adoption is costly. That is why we are partnering with Worthy of the Prize to raise funds to complete our adoption. Thank you so much for all of your help and support, and thank you for purchasing an item to help us bring our daughter home.

You can follow our journey on our blog at And if you want more information about adoption or want a link to a great agency, here is the name of our agency: All God's Children International.

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