Friday, June 3, 2011

Fit Fridays {linky party}: New Bands

With all the partying going on lately that I told you about HERE, I have not been eating or working out like I should!

It's time to kick it into high gear around here!

This week I am planning to get back into my healthy eating and workout routine.

What about you, how have you been doing lately?

Leave me a comment!

Also, have you seen the newest Fit Bands in our shop?

What do you think?

These allow you to bring your keys/Fit Cards with you on your workouts!

And they are SO cute, I love the new summer styles!

The boys ended up getting me the blender that I wanted for Mother's Day so I am all set to make healthy fruit smoothies to curb that late afternoon stress snacking I like to do!

I'll let you know how it goes!

I did find a few more healthy recipes that I like:

Santa Fe Chicken
Creamy Chicken & Wild Rice

I am all about the crockpot these days, it is the only way I will cook chicken!

Remember I substitute all low-fat ingredients when I cook (using low-fat dairy and low-fat creamy soups, etc)

I also finally made these yummy brownie muffins and they were a hit!

For special occasions, serve them with low-fat ice cream and chocolate syrup!


Happy Friday, friends!

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