Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday's Thoughts: Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

Despite good intentions, I have not been the best at keeping to our blog schedule the last several weeks!

And here is one reason...we've been partying!

Since mid-April, we have had one important event after another around here!

In order of occurence...


Big A's Birthday

we made him a nice dinner and celebrated with cake at our character group meeting that night, we gave him a golf package {free driving range all summer and 2 rounds w/cart}


dear friends came over, we cooked out steaks and had an egg hunt for the kiddos {this is a super crazy time for Big A, being a worship pastor and all}


Little A's 5th Birthday

we all went to his first soccer practice, we attended his buddy Hunter's party where they sang "Happy Birthday" to Little A too and then we came home for cupcakes and presents

Mother's Day

we cooked out steaks and the boys got me a blender that I had really been wanting so I can make healthy fruit smoothies

My Birthday

the boys got me some clothes, Big A took me to a nice dinner and shopping so I could spend my birthday money, my sis sent me my first pair of TOMS, my core 4 girls took me out for a nice dinner and I got a giant cotton candy dessert {key lime pie flavored}, my mom sent me a beautiful painting entitled "Rejoice!"

Granddaddy's Birthday

had donuts for breakfast, had lunch at the park {where we saw rainbow colors in the sky but it had not rained and it was not in the shape of a rainbow, Granddaddy is convinced it was his birthday card from God} and went out for a fun steak dinner at one of those places where you grill it yourself

The Boys' Double Birthday Party

Toy Story party with friends and family, cooked out and had a bounce house in the backyard

Little E's 3rd Birthday

same day as the big birthday party, had presents for Little E after the hoopla ended

Our 8th Anniversary

Big A brought home roses and took me out for a nice dinner

Not to mention...

Little A started soccer and graduated from 4K

I attend grandparents day and "Muffins with Mom" at Little A's preschool and a women's event at church and hosted a baby shower at my house

Big A attended a Men's Retreat and a Pastor's Conference

We attended Imagine Easter at church, Celebrate De Pere and the Memorial Day Parade {both downtown on the river}

All the grandparents came for a visit

We are helping prepare for VBC {Vacation Bible Camp} at church

and I am preparing for my family reunion and volleyball team camps, MOPS convention, summer trips, etc etc etc!

This is all in addition to our "normal", church, running WOTP, character group, core 4, oasis, etc etc etc!

Ahhhh :)

It's all been good so no complaints here!

Just wanted you to know where I've been.

And what we've been up to.

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