In case you were not planning to...GET ON YOUR KNEES!!
We need to take advantage of the fact that we live in a country where it is not illegal to pray in public, or to pray at all for that matter!
So while we have this privilege (which I pray will be until Jesus returns), we need to use it!
Besides, God commands us over and over again in the Bible to pray!
If you think you do not have anything to pray about, you can start with the prayer requests I have listed on my sidebar!
Pray for Nashville since the city has been flooded!
In fact, I am not sure what is going to happen to the MOPS convention??? The Gaylord Opryland is flooded and will most likely not re-open until at least Christmas.
We are supposed to be there in August for the National MOPS Convention!!
Pray for our country and its leaders!
Whether or not we agree with their decisions, God commands us to pray for our authorities!
Pray for Haiti as they continue to try and recover from the earthquakes!
Pray about what YOU can do to help this situation!
I actually learned this week that because of the trauma surrounding the earthquakes in Haiti, mothers are no longer producing milk, which means they cannot feed their babies...which means babies are starving!
Last night my MOPS group took up a collection of formula (powder) and baby food (no glass) to send to Haiti! They DO have clean water there, praise the Lord, that the formula can be mixed with!
Pray for children overseas who are living in poverty, waiting for sponsors through Compassion International, World Vision, and other similar organizations!
Pray that they will get the sponsers they need so that they can have food, clean water, clothes, an education, etc!
Pray about sponsoring a child!
If you need a little motivation, check out this gorgeous necklace that Lisa Leonard will give you if you sign up to sponsor a child through World Vision!

Go here for more information.
You can get together with a group of people or pray on your own, but whatever you do...just PRAY!"You should never let adversity get you down---except on your knees!"
On another note, tonight is National Mom's Night Out!
So after you have done all your prayin'...go out with your girlfriends for some FUN!!
Leave the kiddos home with the hubby or get a sitter if you have to...but whatever you do, GO OUT!
Kick off Mother's Day weekend right!
My girls and I are starting the night at the Cheesecake Factory, yummy!
And we will see where the night takes us!
Wonder if we could convince the hubbies to let us stay out all night? ;)
Like I could even do that if I wanted to, I am an old lady...I need my sleep!!!

1 comment:
Yeah you are!
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