I was once again contacted by Lisa and Francis Chan's ministry, asking if I would like to be apart of their "Not of this World" Blog Tour, to review the third and final film in Lisa's new devotional film series for women, True Beauty: Finding Your Identity in Jesus.
Obviously, I jumped at the opportunity. I mean, hello...when a best-selling author (Crazy Love, Forgotten God, Erasing Hell) asks you to be apart of something they are doing, you don't say no! Plus, I absolutely LOVED the first two dvds in the series, Be Still and Deny Yourself. You can read my reviews here and here.
It amazes me how Lisa's videos always seem to arrive at my doorstep, at just the right time, when I need them most. For the past few weeks, I have been overcome with worry, stress and anxiety, related to several areas of my life. I prayed and prayed, begging God to take it away, showing me how to lay my burdens at His feet, and yet despite my desire and assumption that He would, it remained. Ugh!
I felt overwhelmed, beat down, hopeless, to say the least. Can anyone relate?
This morning I finally had the chance to view Not of this World and as usual, it was exactly what I needed to hear! It made me realize that the things I was so concerned about, were not important at all. They were things that the world says are important, pressures that the world puts on us, unrealistic expectations that make us feel as though we are inadequate, helpless, a failure.
Sometimes the burden of mothering my children is honestly more than I can bear! A little, insecure voice in my head likes to tell me that I am failing as a parent, that my children are not going to turn out alright, if I don't get my act together. Have you heard this voice? It is probably the area in my life that I struggle the most, to let go and let God.
And yet, I was reminded by this wonderful article that "the voice of truth, tells me a different story." That it is not up to me! What a relief!!! All God asks me to do is to turn my children over to Him, strive to be the best example that I can, and He will do the rest!
It is exactly what Lisa's calm, soothing voice invites us to do in her video...quit looking to and listening to the world...to simply turn our eyes upon Jesus and we will be amazed at what we discover...more abundant life than we could ever imagine!
Trouble-free? Absolutely not. But as my daily excerpt from "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young so lovingly reminded me what Jesus promises us, if we would only follow Him:
"Knowing me intimately is like having a private wellspring of Joy within you. This spring flows freely from My throne of grace, so your Joy is independent of circumstances."
Oh, how much better is a relationship with Him than anything this world has to offer! Amen?!
On that note, I am so excited to giveaway one copy of Not of this World to one lucky winner...to be able to bless another with the same blessing that was given to me.
To enter, simply leave a comment on this post!
For extra entries (leave the designated amount of extra comments for each one that you do)...
1. Tweet this giveaway (leave 1 extra comment)
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4. Blog about this giveaway (leave 4 extra comments)
Winner will be announced Saturday, August 24th.
If you would rather just purchase a copy, pre-order yours here.
Have a great week, friends! May God bless us as we follow Him!

I would love to read that book! I just ran across your blog on pinterest and I'm so glad I did :) You are very encouraging!
Thanks for offering this giveaway...This book sounds great...thanks for being a positive influence.
Sherri J
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