And as soon as I got back into a "normal" workout routine again, we all came down with the death flu, as I so lovingly call it!
We took it easy this week and I was planning to return to the Y today but I woke up with a little cold so I am postponing my return to fitness until next week!
This will be my new schedule---
Monday-Friday: At least 5 miles on the eliptical
Monday/Wednesday/Friday: Strength-training routine
Saturday/Sunday: walk/ride the neighborhood
***On certain Wednesdays I will be substituting a circuit-training class at the Y that combines cardio and strength-training.
Now, what I really want to talk about today is healthy recipes!
I am really trying to overhaul our eating around here---my goal is to provide healthy, low-fat, fresh, organic meals and snacks for my family but I need your help!
I have one recipe blog that I love, that I have shared with you before.
It is called Carroll Creations and I love that all of the recipes are delicious yet healthy and that she tells you exactly what you need, how to make it and even gives you a picture of what it is supposed to look like!
Check it out HERE.
I can't wait to try her spinach lasagna rolls, yummy!
I can always adjust the recipes to make them low-fat and healthier so don't hesitate to share any recipes and websites even if you do not think that they are necessarily healthy.
One other thing I am trying to do is really cut back on our dairy intake to help with Little A's and my digestive problems so if you have any good dairy-free recipes or recipes with little dairy or recipes that are made with a dairy substitute, PLEASE share them with me!!
If you have any gluten-free recipes, I would not mind hearing about those as well---we would like to cut back on our gluten intake too but I have not found anything gluten-free that tastes anywhere near decent!
Before I go, I just wanted to let you know that the winner of our {Name that Band} FB Contest is Spring Fling by BenMelanie Hartman!!
Thanks to everyone who participated!! It was alot of fun! Stay tuned for our MVP {Most Valuable Photo} Contest coming to our FB page very soon! Go ahead and start taking/collecting sports-related pictures of your kiddos and check back soon for contest details! Happy Friday, friends!
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