Tuesday, December 20, 2011

{Day 20}: Can Martha Have a "Mary" Christmas? {Girlfriends With a Purpose}

Physical Fitness:

30 minutes on the treadmill

Spiritual Fitness:

Is the pressure of the Christmas season getting to you?

Are you frantically trying to find the perfect last-minute gifts and get your cards sent out?

Do you still have a ton of baking and wrapping to do?

What about packing, traveling or hosting guests?

How is it that Christmas is only a few days away and there is still so much left to do?

Hop on over to another of my favorite blogs, Girlfriends With a Purpose {for minister's wives}, and read this post on how to find a balance between making preparations for Christmas and actually experiencing the reason for the season.

Choose what is better this week. Visit the stable and sit at his feet.

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1 comment:

Rachael. said...

Thank you for sharing! Merry Christmas!

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