Friday, November 19, 2010

Africa Hope Run

Those of you who follow me on Facebook and twitter know that I participated in the 1st Annual SLC Africa Hope Run a few weeks ago to help the AIDS Orphans in Malawi!

This is one of the many international mission projects sponsored by our church!

The proceeds from this race (which ended up having about 560 participants for a total of somewhere around $10,000---wooohoo!) will go to provide these orphans with food, clean water, clothes, an education and exposure to the gospel message of Jesus Christ!

My goal was simply to finish the 5K race without walking!

And I am happy to announce that I DID IT!!!!

Granted my run is NO faster than alot of people's walk but if you remember these posts:

You know that this is a BIG accomplishment for me!

(by the way, I have failed to inform you that back in June my dad pointed me in the direction of "the miracle doctor" who discovered a bulging disc in my back...obviously this was a huge part of my problems in the above posts that I did not know about...ever since my diagnosis I have been doing rehab exercises that have made a world of difference...surprisingly it is ALOT easier to train without a bulging disc in your back)

Not to mention the fact that although I was a collegiate athlete, I have NEVER been a runner!

It is not one of those things that comes naturally or easy for me (especially after having babies)...I have to work extremely hard at it and it is very hard on my body and likes to kick my asthma into gear!


I did it all for the orphans...they are what kept me going when I wanted to quit!

Here I am crossing the finish line:

Go Me! :)

It was NOT pretty, I almost died (ok not really but I was getting sick) and I SO wanted to QUIT about a 1/4 mile from the finish but MY GIRLS would not let me (despite me wanting to kill them)...

And I am better for it.

Unfortunately though, the running really took a toll on me and my back went out AGAIN a week after the race!

So I am back to my rehab exercises and am going to stick to the elliptical and weights for now!

But now I can say that I actually RAN a 5K (for the 1st time in my life)!!!

And I helped out a GREAT cause at the same time!


A BIG BIG BIG THANKS to all of you who encouraged me, pushed me, prayed for me and cheered me on...could NOT have done it without you!

For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. (Philippians 2:13)

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