And why is it so special??
This band represents the orphans of the world. All of the "fatherless" children who are waiting for a home through adoption. It represents the beautiful families who are desperately trying to adopt these children but must wait until funds are raised and legalities are finalized.
Sing to God, sing praise to His name, extol Him who rides on the clouds---His name is the Lord---and rejoice before Him. A father to the fatherless, a defender of the widows, is God in His holy dwelling! {Psalm 68:4-5}
{Side note: Did you know that more women choose abortion over giving their child up for adoption? There is a stigmatism associated with adoption; women see it as abandoning their child! We need to get on our knees daily and pray that this mindset will change!}
The fabric:
We chose the "Make Life" fabric because children do "Make Life" fresh, simple, sunny, memorable, colorful, beautiful and all of the other words listed! And this band will help "Make Life" all of these things for the children waiting to be adopted and the families waiting to adopt them!
The name:
We have decided to call this band the Chosen Child Adoption Band based on Ephesians 1:3-6, which says:
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will---to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves.
Just as God chooses to allow us to enter into His family as adopted sons and daughters through faith in His son Jesus Christ, these families are choosing {and are chosen by God} to add children to their family through the miracle of adoption.
{Side note: Did you know that if only 6% of Christians would adopt the orphanages would be empty?}
The coolest part:
We want to help these families!
We have a strong passion for adoption here at Worthy of the Prize; every child deserves to be raised in a loving home!
As a result, for every one of these bands purchased, we will donate the entire proceeds to help families raise money for their adoptions!
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. {James 1:27}
{Side note: Did you know that the Bible commands 5000X for us to take care of orphans and widows?}
Our inspiration:
Ken and Sarah Lovett, who we played a small role in helping adopt a little boy from the Ukraine! They were our very first adoption family and the reason we started the program.
Here are a few words from Sarah's heart---
Did you know that in the world today there are 143 million orphans? They have no family to claim them and no parents to call their own. Many of them age out of the orphanages and become homeless, turning to drugs, suicide, or prostitution. Yet they are not without hope! The Lord cares for the orphans and following God’s call in our life, we desire to give them a home, love, and a family to call their own. Please join us in praying for the orphans around the world that they would have enough food to eat, for someone to care for them, and for their protection. Please also pray that God would care for and provide for them until their adopting families can come get them. Pray that God would give us wisdom, discernment, and insight as we raise our adopted children.
We are in the process of changing the program - we will be featuring 1 family each month and all Chosen Child Adoption Band proceeds for that month will go to that family. At the beginning of each month, we will blog about the new family for that month.
Would you like to join the program?
We are currently taking new families. To be eligible, you must be working with an adoption agency. Email Leslie at if you would like to be added to our list. She will work with you to select your designated month and will put you on a wait list if we are full.
How Can YOU Help?
Buy a Chosen Child Adoption Band !!!
You can choose from a variety of webbing colors, including: Hot Pink, Turquoise, Lime, Purple, Yellow, Red, Baby Blue and Black!
Simply place an order here in our online shop! (only available for purchase during months when we have an adopting family to support)
Also, if you know of any families who need help raising funds for an adoption, send them our way!
Another way you can help these families is to buy a Chosen Necklace from Cap Creations!
Click here to read more about this opportunity!
But before you go, grab our button!

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever! Amen. {1 Timothy 1:17}

this story is so inspiring and so much awesome LOVE.
This company truly is doing everything in the name of the Lord.
Thank you.
Erin, you have such a way with words! You weave the love of our Lord in and out of every word! I don't know why I get surprised since I've known God has always spoken through you but you grow more wise and more lovely with God's grace every day! This is an awesome ministry!
Hi Erin, just stumbling across your blog - we are adopting & would love to order one of these! let me know how!! :)
Linked to you from my blog today, you can check it out at
(I just like to let people know, lol)
Thanks, Megan
Learned about you from Ready to Receive. My husband and I are in the process of adopting too. This is our second adoption and I have to say I'm in awe of you and your mission here.
I would love to know more about how I can become part of this. How can I sign my family up? I think many of my family and friends would proudly wear these bracelets!
Just send me an email at!
We would LOVE to help you raise money for your adoption!
I love that TWO of my dear friends are being supported by your ministry in their pursuit of adoption! How cool! Such a God thing! Thanks for doing what you do!
THis is so awesome! My friend just found your site and sent the link to me. We are just starting our adoption process to adopt a little girl with down syndrome from eastern europe and I would love to be on your list and get involved with do I do that?
my email is
our adoption blog is
Is this a bracelet? I dont get what it is?? A key fob??
Yes, a key fob {wristlet keychain}. It also comes in a half loop style that you can loop around your finger and in a lanyard style to wear around your neck.
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